Taylor is currently 7 years old and her illness started when she was 9 months old. Ever since she was 9 months, she had many seizures. Each seizure put Taylor into a coma for weeks. When Taylor was 3 and a half years old she was diagnosed with Epilepsy Kidney Failure, Mitochondrial Disease. She has had 2 brain surgeries, a kidney transplant, and a tracheotomy. She has gotten an infection and got her colon removed as well as gotten a gastrostomy tube (gtube) for nutrition. Taylor uses a wheelchair but she can take steps with a gait trainer. The family does not have access to these devices at home.
The grant was used to pay for a gait trainer for Taylor. The gait trainer can help Taylor strengthen her legs and let her be more mobile. She will benefit from this device tremendously. The gait trainer will let Taylor be more social and keep up with her peers as well.